OILS: which can be used for any type
of spell-casting. Here is a list of other oils that resonate to specific
LOVE: Gardenia, jasmine, lavender, rose
LUST: Basil, cinnamon, ginger, neroli, ylang ylang
PROSPERITY: Almond, bergamont, honeysuckle, mint, peony
HEALING: Carnation, mimosa, rosemary, sandalwood
PROTECTION: Basil, frankincense, lavender, myrrh
LUCK: Allspice, nutmeg, orange, violet
BUSINESS: Benzoin, cinnamon, mint, peony
MONEY: Clove, ginger, honeysuckle, nutmeg, pine
SUCCESS: Bergamot, clove, ginger, lemon balm
HAPPINESS: Lavender, lily of the valley, marjoram
SLEEP: Chamomile, lavender, peppermint, thyme
VITALITY: Bay, carnation, pennyroyal, St. John's Wort
PEACE: Lavender, gardenia, passion flower, skullcap
BLESSINGS: Benzoin, cumin, rue
Aromatherapy Used For Different Symptoms
*Allergies : chamomile, eucalyptus
*Bruises : chamomile, lavender, geranium
*Burns : lavender
*Colds : eucalyptus, ginger
*Cramps : ginger
*Dry Skin : lavender, geranium
*Fever : peppermint
*Headaches : peppermint, lavender
*Indigestion : ginger
*Insect Bites : thyme, lemon grass, lavender
*Insomnia : chamomile, dill
*Jet Lag : geranium, lemongrass, grapefruit
*Muscle Aches : thyme, ginger
*Rashes : chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus
*Sprains : giner, thyme
*Sunburn : lavender, aloe
More Aroma Oils Info